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Sunday, 17 July 2011

Giving up the Nine to Five Humdrum

Can you Change from Boring to Unique?

Boredom sets in, stress takes over, and more than anything else, you realize that there is no time for yourself anymore. Everyday is the same thing, day in and day out, but what do you do? Are you trapped in the endless cycle of work, work, work, but never making enough to put away nor get ahead just a little. Is your time being expending on the extra set of orders for revisions your boss just sat on your desk that have to be done by tomorrow morning? Is this something that seems all too common in your life? If so, you and only you have the power to change it. If you allow your fears to mark your path you'll never get to where you actually want to be. Giving up that nine to five can be the best thing you could do for yourself but you need to know what your plans are going to be afterwards. 

Some dream of working from home
, and that is possible. Just remember to research every alternative available before jumping in for that final swing. It might not be the homerun you thought it was going to be. Everything takes time and patience, and lets not forget initiative on the individuals' part. If you have computer access in your home then you have one foot in the door of changing your working lifestyle. Decide what you would really like to be doing. Perhaps you would enjoy starting up your own web business. Then look into it. Talk to people and communicate with those who are starting up internet businesses. Know the pro's and con's and get adjusted to the changes that you will have to endure. Maybe you want to earn a decent income writing articles or essays at home. Or perhaps, you would rather try and pitch ideas for local magazines or even further, global magazines. Then do it! Don't feel that some things are beyond your scope of reach, because anything is possible for anyone who is willing to go the extra mile.

What about that book you started writing two years ago but now is sitting atop a pile of other unread magazines gathering dust. Don't you think it is time to blow that thick film of debris away and begin serious work on a dream you keep putting off? Of course it is.

Don't get caught up in the constant hustle and bustle of a nine to five job and forget that you have a life. Furthermore, don't let discouragement keep you locked away from doors that might hold the secrets to your future endeavors. You never know what might be waiting for you, unless you take the chance. Reach for your dreams and run with them!

Published: 2006-04-13
Author: Misty Keith
About the author or the publisher
Misty Keith is a wife and mother of three. She has been published in many venues on the web, as well as one print publication. Currently she works for clients, assisting them with academic papers of all genres. She can write in non-fiction, fiction, horror, romance, inspirational, motivational; basically all creative styles are a familiarity for her. Creativity and Inspirational are her favorite styles.

Misty Keith

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