Don’t despair. I will tell you simple ways to get over the money problem. You don’t know you got the money and how to take it out. God has given you a bunch of blank signed cheques waiting for encashment. Don’t believe? Then blame your self. For your money problems don’t look for solutions from out side- a friend, a bank loan etc.


You are not so weak as you think. Start believing in yourself and discover the innate skills, talents and convert them into money. You can do it. No need to spend a cent for earning money in many ways.
You may be a factory worker, farmer, lawyer, doctor, or anybody doing something for a living. If you lose money or lack money it will disturb your peace of mind. It will give you sleepless nights. You feel sad sometimes thinking that God gave you little money for your needs. You spend more time in thinking what to do to tide over the financial crisis. You do really think nothing new for a way out. All your thoughts are occupied by the looming debt, credit card payments. You are wrong.

Think sensibibly! Your money problems disappear like a passing cloud.!
Discover the value and worth lying inside you. Think of it. You can do many things to earn money than from a job alone. You are firing only one cylinder for earning money though god gave you a hundred cylinders. You don’t fire them and there lies the problem. You have much more capacity, much more talent than you think.

You have enormous hidden talents/skills that you rarely thought of enchasing.
Forget for a moment that you are only a worker, farmer, lawyer, doctor, employee etc short of money. You are in fact more than that. You may be for example a factory worker plus:

1. A factory worker and a good singer.
2. A factory worker and good writer.
3. A factory worker and a good teacher
4. A factory worker and a good mechanic.
5. A factory worker and a good actor,
6. A factory worker and a good sportsman.
7. A factory worker and a good painter.
8. A factory worker and a good car driver.
9. A factory worker and good event manager.

The list is endless. Only you can take out the talent latent in you and encash it. God has given you many talents and skills. List out what else you are good at apart from your job. Analyze and decide how to encash these latent and hidden talents within you. Pick your strong areas from the list prepared by you. Don’t wait for somebody to discover your skills. Market your latent and potent skills skillfully.

If you are a painter, start making paintings for sale. Try to discover within you the hidden talent/skill and encash it. Such an approach will ensure that you never lose peace of mind for money. The financial crises will never haunt you any longer. You will never lose peace of mind for want of money.

So for your money problems think of the unused and hidden talents within you. Encash them. Enjoy life without worries for money. Encash the latent talents and avail the God’s gifts to you.